Digital marketing company in pune
Nowadays, Internet has been the major source of information / knowledge. Study shows, about 93% students have access of internet in India. Students spend 3-4 hours roughly on internet. Internet becomes the tutor to the student nowadays. Internet becomes the search platform for colleges, school, course and other education related information. It means, Education Institute must have their strong presence on internet be it search engine or social media. Every educational institute must have their presence on all platforms to stay in the race.
Email is the most cost effective way to reach out to prospective customer. Mail content must be informative and fulfil the customer requirement. We must re-target them till they convert. Through prescheduled emails and social media post we can keep them engage.
Online Reputation Management can be build by posting good blog content, videos, testimonials and achievements of institutes. It creates eagerness in the mind of audience which leads to online reputation. We can increase the online reputation by using digital marketing.